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Name : Tyuio-Viewer
Type : Multi-Purpose Application
Status : Freeware, no installation, uninstallation needed, just one file
Description :
Tyuio-Viewer is an application that allows the user to view .jpg .gif (animated too) .bmp .ico types of file. Just click on the filename in the file list box and the image can be viewed. Click on any other types of files and it will be shown on the text box on the right, as text even if the file is an .exe file.
Another function of the application is that it can be used to play media files that includes .avi .mid .rmi .wav. Embeded is also a file executor, which the user need not necessary run only executables (.exe .bat). It can also be used to run .bmp .doc and all the other file types that are being supported. For example if the user has winamp and so he counl use Tyuio-Viewer to run .mp3 files and so on, just click on the RUN button or Ctrl + R and a new screen will show up. Then browse for the file and parameters could be entered as well.
If the user thinks that the text editor on the mail screen is not good enough, then there is a built in text editor that can do more complex commands, like changing font colour, size etc. Just click on the EDITOR button or Ctrl + E to activate it. The rest is just as normal.
Another feature is that it has a simple built in text encoder-decoder. It encodes a text file or a string of text. Just click on the picture of the barrel or Ctrl + D to run it. Since this appliacation is widely distributed, the author will not be held responsible for any bleech of security that occures due to the build in encoder-decoder.
Last but not least, it could also be used to handle files. Just click on the FILE HANDLER button or Ctrl + F to run it. The file handler could be used to delete files or to copy a file to the directory that has to be specified in the box beside the copy button. It could also be used to backup an entire directory to another, just by selecting the backup check box and keying in the destination directory. There is also a simple find file function that allows the user to search for certain files or directories by means of a recursive algorithm. This may take some time if the user has a huge full harddisk. Just type in the filename with extensions or it would be assumed that the user is searching for a directory and press the FIND button or the Enter key to begin.
Comments : Please E-mail any comments or bugs or queries to [email protected].
Extra : A little surpise for all users. Just hold Shift + Alt + Ctrl and press F12 for a simulation of Mars.
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